Save orphaned joeys!

Every night, there is a silent massacre, carried out away from prying eyes, in the endless Australian plains.

Thousands of kangaroos, killed by gunshot wounds to the head, are slaughtered for their meat and for their skin, and are made into shoes, suits, and bags.

Out of the 2 million animals are killed every year, commercial kangaroo slaughter is regarded the world’s largest, land-based slaughter of native wildlife.

Many of the kangaroos slaughtered are females, carrying joeys, who, if not rescued are left to die from predation or starvation. The bond between mothers and their babies is very strong but is tragically broken for thousands every single night.

Here at OnlyAnimals, we are fighting to put an end to this slaughter, put an end to products made with kangaroo skin, put pressure on companies to use vegan products and are calling for laws that end the hunting of and the protection of kangaroos, the symbol of Australia.

But in the meantime, we need help to make sure these little joeys survive. We must help the estimated 400,000 joeys whose mothers are killed every single year.

With your help, we can support Australian nonprofits that rescue, rehabilitate and release orphaned baby joeys into the wild. If they cannot survive in the wild by themselves, then they can live a life cared for in their sanctuaries.

Help us. Your donation, however great or small, can do a lot.

Give the baby orphaned kangaroos a chance in life without brutality.

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Donation Total: $10.54 One Time