Let’s Plant a Million Trees!

For every dollar donated, OnlyAnimals will plant one tree, fight deforestation, restore the natural habitat for endangered animal species, and reduce climate change

15 billion trees! That is how many trees we lose every single year!

There are many causes of this devastating deforestation: the predominance of agriculture alters and damages land, a surge in the construction of infrastructure, and fires that incinerate vast expanses of vegetation and kill millions of animals.

If we continue like this, our forests will cease to exist within a few generations. There will be catastrophic consequences for the environment, animals, and all life on earth.

Prior to the development of agriculture, about 12,000 years ago, 6 trillion trees reside on the surface of our planet. That’s double the trees in our forests today.[1]

Deforestation has rapidly accelerated in recent decades, leading to the extinction of millions of animal species, due to the loss of natural habitat and food.

Trees are essential for life. They collect water from the subsoil, release it into the atmosphere, and thus contribute to the rains. They retain water and soil, preventing disastrous landslides. They clean the air.

Trees slow down climate change because they store carbon and remove carbon dioxide from the atmosphere.

Without trees, deserts would proliferate in many parts of the world. Life would disappear. It would be a bleak scenario.

Humans contribute massively to this catastrophe. On average, each person produces around 6 tons of CO2 each year, most of which derives from transportation, domestic heating and production-related activity.

Things are even worse in industrialized countries. In China, the average person produces 8 tons of CO2, in Europe, the average person produces 9 tons, and in America, the average person produces 16 tons of CO2.

On average, an adult tree absorbs 10-20 kg of CO2 in an industrial area, or 20-50 kg in a forest.

To absorb a single ton of CO2, it will require 30 to 45 trees, depending on the tree.[2]

In other words, to offset CO2 emissionsevery person alive would have to plant at least 180 trees. A European would have to plant at 270 trees to offset their emissions, and an American would have to plant 480.

To plant trees, and to restore the natural habitat for animals at risk of extinction, OnlyAnimals has launched this campaign.

With our local partners, we plant trees in Nepal, Mozambique and Indonesia.

In Nepal, rapid deforestation is leading Red Pandas, Asian Elephants and Bengal Tigers dangerously close to extinction.

In Madagascar, deforestation threatens the existence of lemurs, crocodiles, and tortoises.

In Indonesia, deforestation endangers Sumatran Tigers, Orangutans, Javan Rhinoceros and Sumatran Elephants at risk.

1 dollar plants 1 tree. That’s how it works.

You donate online, OnlyAnimals pools your donations, our local partners works with local communities and villages, growing saplings, planting native species of trees, and working with all levels of government, securing written agreements that guarantee that restored forests are protected in perpetuity.

For every dollar donatedOnlyAnimals, through our local partner, will plant one tree, fight deforestation, restore the natural habitat for endangered animal species, and reduce climate change.

We are ambitious here at OnlyAnimals: our goal is to plant at least one million trees in the next three years.

By helping us, you help a non-profit organization that is fully committed to defending and protecting animals, saving millions of animals from the risk of extinction and concretely fighting for deforestation and climate change.

Let’s accomplish this goal together!




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Donation Total: $10.33 One Time